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B-3-3-4 Non-Delegated SAP Purchase Requestions Facilities Materials and Inventory

I. Purpose

The SAP purchase requisition informs Procurement Services of a department’s need to procure goods or services for Facilities materials and inventory. These items may be restricted from the procurement card and/or payment request document (PRD). Departments should utilize the Supply Center as the first source of goods if items are in stock there. 

II. Responsibilities
  1. Department/Unit
    1. Check Supply Center catalog to determine if goods are available. If goods are in stock, place the order via the Supply Center on-line catalog.
    2. If goods are not in stock
      1. For Facilities, use the work order process to request items through the Supply Center
      2. For all others, refer to B-3-3-5 Non-Delegated SRM Shopping Carts – Campus Areas
    3. Request changes as needed for pricing, quantities, etc. through Procurement Services. Changes are applied on the original order method (i.e., purchase order, Supply Center requisition, etc.)
    4. Complete the necessary goods receipt once product is in the requisitioner’s possession. 
    5. Provide a valid quote or reference to substantiate source of pricing.
  2. Business Officers
    1. Review the requisitions for appropriateness, correct funding, and compliance with university policies. 
    2. Approve requisitions in SAP when necessary.
    3. Review the MRBR Reporting in Tableau to ensure Purchase Orders are confirmed timely and follow up with units with outstanding blocked invoices that are older than 30 days. 
  3. Procurement Services
    1. Ensure the requisition is in alignment with the University’s policies and procedures.
    2. Verify correct vendor is used.
    3. Verify valid quote is attached.
    4. Create the Purchase Orders.
    5. Issue any change orders needed at the departments’ request.
    6. Work with vendors and departments to resolve any discrepancies (e.g., outstanding invoices, goods receipts, pricing issues, etc.).
  4. Accounts Payable Services
    1. Post invoices to the Purchase Orders in SAP. 
    2. Assist Procurement Services in working with vendors and departments on outstanding invoices to resolve any discrepancies.
III. Policy 
  1. The purchase requisition or Supply Center order must be created by an authorized requisitioner from the requesting department. Specifications regarding pricing, quantity, product or service description, delivery address, date of delivery and proper accounting must be accurate and clearly stated in the purchase requisition or Supply Center order to ensure the correct goods or services are provided.
  2. Authorization to create a purchase requisition is granted to an end user based on completing the following criteria: 
    1. 1.  SAP Statement of Responsibility form 
      1. 2.  SAP Access Request form 
      2. 3.  SAP courses specific to the desired requisition role
    2. Online forms and training courses are available through Information Technology Services by contacting
  3. Approval and Processing

    Online approval in SAP by the approver from the requesting department is required for all purchase requisitions. After the purchase requisition is approved, it is then forwarded to Procurement Services for review and potential processing. Procurement Services is responsible for ensuring the request aligns itself with the University’s policies and procedures as stated in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Model Procurement Code, KRS section 45A. Determination of the appropriate action to be taken for the request – Invitation for Bids (IFB), Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Quote (RFQ) and/or purchase order (PO) - is made by the assigned Procurement Personnel. The PO is the final document created by Procurement Services. It serves as the formal order and is issued directly to the supplier for order fulfillment.

  4. SAP Purchase Order 

    The purchase order is a contractual document by which the supplier is notified of the acceptance of an Invitation for Bids (IFB), Request for Proposal (RFP) or formal quote. The requesting department is required to issue the Good Receipt and submit the original invoice for proper posting and payment to Accounts Payable. 

  5. Change Order 

    The change order is an official amendment to the purchase order and is issued by Procurement Services. 

    A departmental request for a change in pricing, quantities and/or description must be submitted in writing to Procurement Services.

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