Financial compliance in RFS is the observance of Federal statues, regulations, and requirements. This is crucial to maintain funding sources in order to continue research. In cooperation with sponsors and department personnel, we coordinate audits, desk reviews, and site visits of sponsored projects (externally funded projects). Working closely with our campus partners, our staff processes journal voucher cost transfers that include sponsored projects. Financial compliance also performs subrecipient monitoring reviews.
For general inquiries, please email
The WHAT and WHY of Cost Transfers
Cost accounting standards (CAS) are the standards for consistent application of cost accounting principles. Costs incurred for the same purpose in like circumstances must be treated consistently. The codification of general and permanent rules are published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. Part 200 is Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal awards. This is also referred to as Uniform Guidance or UG.
Financial management of sponsored funds is the efficient and effective control over, and accountability for, all funds, property and other assets and assure they are used solely for authorized purposes. Uniform Guidance states documentation of expended funds is to demonstrate financial compliance with Federal statues, regulations and terms and conditions of the award.
What are allowable costs (applicability)
For a cost to be allowable, it must be relevant or appropriate cost to perform the scope of work on a project. The cost must be allocable, reasonable, and necessary for the performance of the award. Allocable means the cost is chargeable or assignable to perform the scope of work and have relative benefit the project. The cost is specific, necessary, and identifiable to accomplish project goals. Reasonable means the goods and services acquired and the amount involved reflect the action to perform the scope of work. Cost should be ordinary and priced comparable to other goods or services. Purchaser must act with due prudence in the decision to incur the cost. Necessary means the essential goods or services was required to accomplish the scope of work. Expenditures for cost share and program income follow the same applicability requirements as direct expenditures. An expenditure deemed unallowable as a direct expense is also unallowable to be recorded as a cost share and program income expense. Note: Sponsor award terms may deem specific costs as unallowable that are normally considered allowable such as travel, employee benefit costs, etc.
Documentation is the proper records identifying and containing appropriate information to support an expenditure. Uniform Guidance states documentation for costs must be adequately documented, clear and legible. Documentation for cost share has the same documentation requirements as direct expenditures. UG sets retention of documentation at three years, however, sponsors may set a longer period in the terms and conditions. Documentation must be made available through the award’s retention period.
Procedures and Guidelines
Procedures and guidelines are the formal guidance needed to coordinate and execute activity. These provide the operational framework for grant management. Procedures and guidelines are the foundation of regulations and internal controls.
Regulation References
The following section is to provide guidance and links to specific or frequently used topics. For a complete reference, please refer to the BPM.
Cost sharing, often referred to as matching or in-kind, are expenses paid by the University or third-party contributors for costs applicable, allocable, reasonable and necessary to accomplish project objectives. Expenses paid by the University must be posted against the grant’s cost share fund. Departments may elect for cost share funding to automatically process monthly or may submit JVs to fund the account.
Cost Share Funding References
Cost share funding JVs are not a true cost transfer and does not follow the cost transfer policy. Therefore, documentation and signatures are not required unless an unordinary circumstance occurs. Note: Cost share funding JVs should not be confused with an expense being moved on or off a grant which does follow the cost transfer policy.
Online Subaward Invoice Frequently Asked Questions
Subaward Online Invoice Review Pilot Presentation
Subaward Online Invoice Review UBO Presentation
QRC - PI Approval Process
QRC - PI Hold Process
QRC - SIR Approval Process
QRC - SIR Hold Process
QRC - Supplemental Invoice Information
QRC - Subaward Invoice Auto Block
QRC - Subaward PO Transaction Codes (T-codes)
A subaward is an agreement with another entity to perform a portion of the scope of work on a UKRF research project. This third party entity is referred to as a subrecipient or subawardee.
The monitoring of a subrecipient falls to several areas. General duties include:
Per Uniform Guidance regulation 200.305, the university must make payment to the subrecipient within 30 days of receipt of the invoice unless the Principal Investigator believes that the payment request is improper due to issues with deliverables, award conditions, or other concerns.
Please contact for questions.
Click here for a link for more information on the subaward agreements, the invoice process and responsibilities.
Single Audit is an organization wide financial statement and federal awards audit of a non-federal entity that expends $750,000 or more in federal funds in one year; previously known as the OMB Circular A-133 audit. It is intended to provide assurance to the Federal Government that a non-federal entity has adequate internal controls in place and is generally in compliance with program requirements.
Through the Single Audit, professional auditors review UK’s financial management process, including the financial management system and its compliance with all its federal grant requirements. It is called the “Single Audit” because it combines one audit covering all the federal grants.
Each area is responsible for ensuring compliance with UK governing regulations as well as state, federal and sponsor requirements. UK policies and procedures supersede sponsor requirements.
Desk reviews and site visits is the monitoring of sponsor funds for good stewardship of funds. Recipients are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of grant supported activity using their established controls and polices. This monitoring is accomplished through review of reports and correspondence from the recipient, audit reports, site visits and other information.
Just like sponsors and Federal programs monitor the University’s stewardship of funds, Uniform Guidance States we are to do likewise. UG regulations on Subrecipient monitoring begins with 2 CFR 200.331. Below are noted regulation highlights.