The Endowment and Gift Account Tracking System (EGATS) has been established to assist campus in managing their endowment and gift data to ensure appropriate utilization and tracking of the contributed funds according to the donor’s specified purpose. Data from multiple systems (SAP, Faculty Database, RADAR) will be available in one location for enhanced administration and reporting for the funds and spending distribution cost centers. In the system, users can now access an endowment fund’s governing documents, track the history of specific master data elements, add notes for reference or required actions, and view expanded information related to the purpose of the funds.
To access EGATS, go to and sign in with your linkblue ID, select the Enterprise Services tab, choose the Financial tab and click on Endowment & Gift Account Tracking.
Roles are assigned based on an employee’s need to edit or view the data in the system. To obtain access to EGATS, complete the EGATS Role Request Form and route it to your Area Business Officer for approval (Unit Business Office roles) or the Assistant VP for Philanthropy (Philanthropy roles). Click here for instructions on how to complete the EGATS Role Request Form.
Quick Reference Guides have been developed for EGATS and can be accessed at any time. These guides will include topics such as EGATS – Getting Started, EGATS – Running Endowment Fund Reports, and EGATS – Supported Purpose Review. For a complete list of Quick Reference Guides, click here. Additional guides will be added to the list as the documents are completed. Click here to view a short training video designed to help users navigate in EGATS.
For questions regarding EGATS, please email