For SA and Z4 Document types the following information needs to be entered –
Document Date = Original posting date of transaction
Posting Date = Today’s date (this will default)
Reference = AFRS, RFS, or HOSP
Doc Header Text = Information helpful to Department. For example, Correct GLs or Transfer lab expenses, etc…
Document Type = SA or Z4
In the body of the JV (not the header), the date of service or date of purchase should be listed in the text field as MM/DD/YY. Text can be added after the date by using a space then enter any information needed after. For example, 03/09/20 Nitrogen
Using the current date for cost share funding JVs is acceptable. If the project has ended, please use the end date as as the date of service.
No need to do multiple JVs. Use the oldest original date for the date to enter in the header information as the Document Date. List each transaction on the JV individually using each date of service.
A warning message provides helpful information for your review before continuing with the workflow process. Please pay close attention to the information provided and take any necessary action before continuing. For example: "No traveler effort on WBS. Correct cost distribution/attach explanation".
The business edits will check for effort on a project for Travel, GRA Tuition, and Payroll transfers. If you get the warning message below – the assignment number used does not have effort on the proejct listed on the JV. This message is letting you know the cost distribution should be updated so the traveler has effort, or additional documentation should be included to support this person’s travel being charged to the project without effort being charged or perhaps the transaction should be re-evaluated to determine if the travel for the individual is actually appropriate to charge the project.
For this warning message "Prior approval from sponsor necessary (Grant 3048113698, GL 535011) – the sponsor approval should be included with the documentation to show the expense is allowable on the project. Otherwise, this JV could potentially be rejected.
The system will do a 2 line check of the document. If there are multiple lines the edit checks will go through each entry before saving as complete. You will have to enter through each warning and once the entire document has been checked the document will save as complete.
Please do not blindly enter through each warning. Please pay attention to the messages and address any issues. The document could potentially be rejected if there is missing documentation that would address the warning messages.
Please refer to the SA crosswalk or Z4 crosswalk provided here.
This provides a comprehensive list of warnings and errors and the explanation of each message.
The business edits will check the field entries on the JV for accuracy, budget dates for period of performance, and allowable transfers to sponsored projects. The JV will not be saved as complete until the information is corrected.
For example: "Overall budget exceeded by 8,241.93 USD (GM PB Availabililty Control) for serveral document items from item 0000002 on"
The budget would have to be corrected before the JV would be allowed to save as complete and continue through workflow.
For example "Service date outside of grant. Expenses not allowed on 3048114467"
The date of service entered in the Text field on the JV is outside of the period of performance of the project and the transfer is not allowable.
For example " Reporting to sponsor complete. Expense cannot be posted to 3200002289"
The transfer is not allowable as the final reporting was submitted to the sponsor. You can contact the FA of the project for more information.
In order to submit the JV for approval and posting, documentation should be attached as supporting information to support the actions of the JV. Approvers may need to be added to review and approve the JV at the department level and the JV will be routed automatically to the appropriate central office for review and posting.
Yes! An explanation is required to support the transfer for audit purposes. It may be helpful to save a copy of the JV Explanation Page
To complete and attach to each JV. Using this form is not required but helpful. The questions listed on the form is what is used when reviewing the JV and what an auditor will look for in review of the document as well.
No – the JV is in SAP and there is no need to add an upload copy of the JV.
Email notifications will be sent to anyone listed as an approver that there is workflow items that need to be reviewed and approved. Emails will also be sent to the creator of the JVs if the document has been rejected at any point in the review. Reasons for the reject will be included so the creator will know what needs to be done.
No – the JV has been removed from workflow but the document still exists in SAP. You will just need to start workflow to resubmit the JV. This will include re-sending to any additional approvers.
Select the JV in FB03, make sure the document has been saved as complete. Select the GOS – Generic Object Services
Select Workflow from dropdown and Start Workflow
Follow the same steps to send for approvals and review
No – once a document has been added as an attachment it cannot be deleted. A note can be added in regards to the incorrect document or you can delete the JV and re-enter with correct attachments.
Please create a note in the attachment or include this information in the explanation information that will explain the position of the approvers to eliminate any questions regarding appropriate approval level.