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B-3-4-3 Purchase Order - Vendor Performance

I. Purpose

The purpose of this section is to provide guidance on vendor performance and expectations. 

II. Responsibilities
  1. Procurement Services – Manages and supports the vendor relationship as it relates to unit purchases of goods and services.
  2. Department/Unit – Reports to Procurement Services vendor mis-performance or failure to deliver satisfactory goods and services. 
III. Policy

This policy provides procedures on what to do when a vendor does not meet expectations. 

IV. Procedures 
  1. Vendor Performance Documentation 
    1. Unit cooperation in reporting any deficiency in quality, service, or the delivery of product or service is essential to ensure the University receives the best products and services at the lowest possible cost. Unsatisfactory performance by any vendor or contract holder must be reported directly to Procurement Services. Written performance reports must be made promptly any time the performance, product or service does not meet the requirements of the Purchase Order or contract issued. Written performance reports can be submitted online via the Procurement Services webpage using the Vendor Contract Performance Evaluation Report or emailed to the responsible Procurement Services Purchasing Officer.  
    2. If a vendor or contractor fails to comply with the terms of the Purchase Order or Price Contract, a Vendor Contract Performance Evaluation Report must be completed and sent to Procurement Services. Procurement Services will investigate all reports submitted. This complaint will become a part of the permanent record of the vendor's performance. Continued unsatisfactory performance by a vendor or contractor may result in the vendor being removed from current bidders’ list.
    3. Departmental cooperation in reporting vendor/contractor deficiencies in quality, service, or delivery is essential. The completion and submission of the Vendor Contract Performance Evaluation Report is a way by which Procurement Services can maintain a record to establish and substantiate continuous unsatisfactory performances by vendors and contractors.
  2. Guarantee or Warranties 
    1. Most equipment items and many other commodities will be guaranteed or warranted by the vendor or manufacturer under certain specified conditions. 
    2. Units are to record all pertinent information relating to such guarantees or warranties including make, model, serial number and conditions of the guarantee or warranty. 
    3. If a purchased item does not perform in accordance with the guarantee or warranty (explicit or implied), provide Procurement Services with full details so action may be taken for possible recovery under provisions of the guarantee or warranty.
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