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B-3 General Policies on How to Procure Supplies, Equipment and Services

I. Purpose

Regulations of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees and the Commonwealth of Kentucky Statutes govern purchasing policies and procedures for the University of Kentucky. The Chief Procurement Officer of the Purchasing Division is delegated the responsibility for the purchasing activities of all areas of the University. 

The mission of the Purchasing Division (including Central Purchasing, Hospital Purchasing and Capital Construction Procurement) is to provide service and support in a legal and professional manner, to purchase quality goods and services at the best value for the University community. 

II. Responsibility

The services provided by the Purchasing Division include the following: centralized contracting and purchasing functions, establishing price contracts for goods and services, capital construction bidding and contracting, source for specifications and comparative costs, maintenance of purchasing records, and assisting the requesting department with proper planning and requisitioning of goods and services at the appropriate time. 

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