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B-4-3 Memorandum of Agreement

I. Purpose

A “memorandum of agreement” or “memorandum of understanding” shall be used to contract for services required that can be furnished to the University by another governmental body or political subdivision of the Commonwealth that involves an exchange of resources or responsibilities.

II. Policy

These types of agreements may also be used as the contract vehicle for agreements between the University and other state agencies as required by federal or state law or non-financial agreements between the University and other state agencies or political subdivisions. 

III. Procedures
  1. Memorandums of Agreements (MOA) in aggregate amounts of $50,000 or less during any one fiscal year are exempt from routine review by the Legislative Research Commission Government Contract Review Committee (GCRC). 
  2. They must be reported to the Committee not more than 30 days after their effective date for informational purposes only. The GCRC will review all MOAs less than $50,000 not submitted in a timely manner (over 30 days after their effective date). 
  3. The GCRC reserves the option and may periodically examine MOAs in aggregate amounts of $50,000 or less and may request agency participation in discussions relative to the agreement and payments. 
  4. If an MOA of less than $50,000 is amended to the extent the amended total of the agreement exceeds $50,000 per fiscal year, the amended agreement will be placed on the agenda for the GCRC routine review. 
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