The Commonwealth of Kentucky Model Procurement Code, 45A-100, requires that competitive bids be solicited for purchases of $100,000 or more. Personal services contracts of more than $10,000 require competitive bids. For procedures for personal services exceeding $10,000, see BPM B-4-2. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and direction for single/sole source purchases. A single/sole source purchase is an exception to the competitive bidding process.
The University of Kentucky’s Procurement Services solicits competitive bids for all purchases over $100,000 following the Kentucky Revised Statute 45A-100. Personal services contracts of more than $10,000 require competitive bids. Exceptions to this must be justified in written form. Examples of possible single/sole source purchases could include equipment for which there is no comparable competitive product or a replacement part for which there is no available substitute. Justifications must be approved by the Chief Procurement Officer.
Both the University and its agents can be held liable for contracts or Purchase Orders issued through the single/sole source procedure if the decision is based on false or incomplete information. All such requests must be fully substantiated.