This section applies to all acquisitions of computing hardware and software from external sources, whether purchased, rented or leased.
The responsibility for approval of the above has been placed with the Chief Information Officer for Information Technology (CIO) or designee. All requisitions/shopping carts for computer hardware and software of $10,000 or more must be approved by the CIO or designee prior to action by Procurement Services.
This policy outlines procedures related to the acquisition of all software from external sources. For purposes of this policy, there are four defined categories of software:
All software in 1. and 2. above, regardless of cost, must be reviewed and approved by the CIO (or designee) or the Chief Digital Information Officer of UK HealthCare. All software acquisitions in C. and D. above that do not duplicate enterprise applications’ functionality, cost less than $10,000, and adhere to all relevant information technology standards may be approved by deans and directors. All software applications in all categories costing $10,000 or more must be submitted on the $10,000 Software Acquisition Form and reviewed and approved by the CIO (or designee).
To request approval, a department must create a shopping cart/requisition in SRM to allow the approval of the CIO (or designee).
Technology related equipment and supplies may be purchased via SRM shopping cart/SAP requisition or procurement card if allowable per the AP/Purchasing Quick Reference Guide.
Additionally, completion and approval of the Software and Subscription Licensing Form on the ServiceNow platform is required for all software purchases regardless of dollar value or applicable purchase method. This applies to the purchase of new or renewed software subscriptions.