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B-9 Capital Construction Projects

I. Purpose

Capital construction projects, including equipment purchases made from the capital project budget, are the responsibility of the Capital Project Management Division (CPMD). Information regarding capitalization can be found in BPM E-12-1 Capitalization Policy and information regarding plant fund projects can be found in BPM E-3-1 Unexpended Plant Fund Policy.  

II. Policy

Capital Project Management will manage all capital construction and renovation projects and will forward to Procurement Services requisitions requesting the bidding and the establishment of contracts for the required construction services and equipment purchases.

III.   Procedures

Requisitions requesting construction services and equipment purchases in connection with such projects will be initiated by the Business Office of the Capital Project Management Division and forwarded to Procurement Services for processing. 

  1. Furniture and equipment which is to be purchased and installed as a part of a completed construction contract may be recommended by the architects with final selection and approval to be made by the University of Kentucky Interior Design representative. 
  2. All purchase requests from capital construction funds must be submitted through the assigned project manager. The project manager will consider the request and, if appropriate, will direct the Business Office to create a requisition to be sent to Procurement Services for processing and contracting. Direct purchases by departments from Capital Construction funds are not authorized. 
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