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E-12-2 Facilities and Space Inventory System

I. Purpose

To establish policy and responsibilities for the annual space inventory used to gather data for facilities reporting to the University Administration, federal agencies, and the Council on Postsecondary Education. Among the information collected is room utilization information including, but not limited to:

  • Departmental assignment
  • Functional area usage
  • Room usage
  • Square footage
  • Occupants
II. Policy

The University will maintain accurate space data. Departments will update the utilization of all space through the eBARS space module on a continual basis.

III. Responsibilities
  1. Department
    1. Update departmental space inventory fields in eBARS in a timely manner throughout the year to aid in maintaining accurate data for various reporting needs.
    2. Notify Capital Assets Accounting to obtain the correct room tag if the room barcode number affixed to the door frame does not match the one listed in eBars for that space.
    3. Notify Capital Assets Accounting as soon as it is known when the department will be moving into new or renovated space. The department will have 30 days from the receipt of facilities information to make necessary updates to the required eBARS space data.
    4. During base years for the Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate calculation, provide additional information requested by RFS.
    5. Notify Capital Assets Accounting and Facilities Management – Facilities Information Services of any newly leased space within 30 days of lease commencement to facilitate the entry of space data into eBARS.
  2. Accounting and Financial Reporting Services (AFRS) – Capital Assets Accounting
    1. Verify the accuracy of the facilities inventory records
    2. Facilitate the annual facilities inventory process
  3. Research Financial Services (RFS)
    Coordinate the collection of additional information from selected research-intensive departments during base years for the Facilities and Administrative Cost calculation
  4. Facilities Management - Facilities Information Services

    Provide Capital Assets Accounting new room information for renovations or construction within 30 days of beneficial occupancy, which includes applicable work order and department number information.

IV. Procedures
  1. Facilities Inventory Instructions are located on the Capital Assets Accounting web site. Additional information regarding space is also in the Facilities Inventory section.


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