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E-17-5 Cost Object Transactions

I. Purpose

To provide guidance to faculty and staff regarding the various document types which may be used when creating a posting with a cost object. This policy will also provide guidance on the timing of cost object transactions.

II. Document Types
  • Each accounting document in SAP has a document type code. The code is automatically derived by SAP based on the type of transaction being processed.  The document type determines the document number that is automatically assigned to the document in SAP-Financials. This automatic numbering comes from predetermined number ranges designated for each document type. An example of a document type code is “SA” which means general ledger accounting document. 
  • Document type codes are listed at the following:

    Document Types

III. Cost Object Transactions Timing
  1. Cost object transactions are recorded  after the documents are received in University Financial Services.
    1. Cash transmittal (cash receipt) documents submitted through the Cash Transmittal System are recorded in the cost object within one business day after the deposit is received by the bank.
    2. Cost Share Transfers, Recharges and Journal Vouchers (JVs) that include Sponsored Project WBS elements (“3x”), are normally processed within 10 business days.
    3. Payment Request Documents (PRD) for expenditures and Travel Documents are normally processed by Accounts Payable Services within four business days. 
    4. Interdepartmental Journal Vouchers (JVs) are normally processed within four business days.
  2. A delay in the timing of these processes will occur if problems such as incorrect cost object codes, inadequate documentation, incorrect authorizations or inaccurate/missing bank deposits are encountered when processing the transactions.
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