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E-19-1 Student Fees Delinquency Policy

I. Purpose

The University assesses student fees for various services, fines and materials and may also require students to complete specified forms or provide other information associated with financial obligations. This regulation provides guidance, in accordance with Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) 164A.560 and the University of Kentucky Code of Student Conduct, for handling the following types of delinquencies:

  • late payment of student fees
  • failure to complete necessary forms
  • failure to supply related financial information
II. Policy
  1. The University of Kentucky Code of Student Conduct, Part VI, states that the University expects students to be financially responsible and not be delinquent in financial obligations to the University. 
  2. University units must notify students a minimum of two times of any unmet financial obligations of at least $20.00 or failure to provide necessary forms in relation to a financial obligation. 
  3. If a student fails to make payment or to provide the necessary forms or information within 60 days of the due date, a hold shall be placed on the student’s record in the SAP Student File.
  4. The University unit must have previous approval of the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration (EVPFA), in consultation with the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management (AVPEM) to place the hold. 
  5. While a hold is in effect, the student will be prevented from:
    1. registering for future courses if unmet obligation exceeds $200
    2. being readmitted to the University
    3. transferring credits
    4. receiving graduation diplomas
    5. obtaining official transcripts
  6. The hold will remain in effect until 
    1. the unit declaring the delinquency notifies the Registrar that the obligation has been met by releasing the hold on the student’s record in the SAP Student File, or 
    2. the statute of limitations on collection expires, where applicable. (See section IV below for the list of statutes of limitation in regards to student financial delinquencies.)
  7. If there is a dispute as to whether or not a student is legally liable for a financial obligation asserted by the University, and the student challenges such obligation through either timely administrative (EVPFA in consultation with AVPEM) or legal means, the sanctions with respect to registration shall not apply until final resolution of the dispute.
III. Procedures
  1. Departmental authorization to place a hold on student records
    1. The unit must request approval from the EVPFA in consultation with the APEM for the fee to be eligible for a hold.
    2. The unit budget director must approve access to SAP Student File for specific departmental employees to initiate the hold transaction.
      1. The unit budget director must submit a training plan for the employee(s) to the Training Team for Student Life Cycle Management (SLCM).
      2. The employee(s) must successfully complete training.
      3. SLCM Team will grant employee(s) access to the appropriate transactions in the production system.
    3. Authorization to impose holds may be revoked if the unit
      1. Does not make required notifications of pending delinquency to the student
      2. Fails to inactivate a hold promptly upon satisfaction of the delinquency.
  2. Notifications to students
    1. The department must notify the delinquent student at least twice before that student may be declared delinquent to the Registrar’s Office. 
    2. Notification of the student may consist of:
      1. electronic billings
      2. electronic mail
      3. letters, or
      4. other written notices.
    3. If a notice is returned for an incorrect address, an attempt must be made to find a correct address. 
    4. The last notice of delinquency must have a statement to the effect the Registrar’s Office will not approve requests for diplomas, official transcripts, and registration for classes in the future until the obligation is satisfied.
  3. Placing and releasing a hold on a student’s record
    1. After the student has been properly notified, the department must notify the Registrar’s Office that the student is delinquent by activating a hold in the SAP Student File. 
    2. Once the student fully meets the obligation, the Registrar must be notified that the delinquency has been cleared by an authorized departmental employee inactivating the hold in the SAP Student File.
    3. If the student has not satisfied the obligation before the statute of limitations expires, the hold will be inactivated. (See section IV below for the list of statutes of limitation.)
    4. Payments or information received after a hold has been placed.
      1. Students cannot make payments or provide required information or forms directly to the Registrar’s Office.
      2. Each department must collect its own assessments, required forms or information. 
      3.  The Registrar only advises the students that the University cannot provide diplomas or official transcripts, or permit registration, until the obligation is fully met.
IV. Statutes of Limitation

Applicable statutes of limitations for actions to recover student delinquencies are as follows:

Type of Contract Statute of Limitations Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS)

Contract for Sale of Goods 

(must be in writing if over $500)

4 years  KRS 355.2-725
Oral contract (other than sale of goods) 5 years KRS 413.120
Written contract in existence after 7/15/14 (other than sale of goods) 10 years KRS 413.160
Written contract in existence before 7/15/14 (other than sale of goods) 15 years KRS 413.090
Federal Student Loans (other than institutional loans) N/A N/A


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