To facilitate effective cash management, the University and its affiliated corporations use a consolidated approach for the deposit, investment and disbursement of all cash. This pooling of cash and investments maximizes the control and utilization of operating funds held by the University. It minimizes the number of bank/investment accounts required and therefore reduces the overall cost of banking for the entire University.
Cash and investments held as part of the University’s operating funds on behalf of affiliated organizations, endowment funds, certain loan funds, certain restricted funds, certain grant funds and certain other funds will be allocated investment earnings based on the University’s Tier I – Cash, Overnight and Short-Term Investments earnings rate or a blend of the University’s Tier I – Cash, Overnight and Short-term Investments earnings rate and Tier II – Cash on Deposit with the Commonwealth earnings rate, as defined in the Operating Fund Investment Policy. The investment earnings rates will be net of a 0.05% annualized non-endowment management fee. Authorization, administration, determination and distribution of the allocated earnings shall be made by University Financial Services.
Restricted gifts, as defined above, and other funds under special circumstances, may be approved for allocation of investment earnings. When restricted gifts are not anticipated to be expended for at least one year they can, with approval, be invested in the University’s Tier III – Short/Intermediate-Term Investments. Funds not expected to be expended in the next ten years may be invested in the University’s Endowment Investment Pool as a quasi endowment. The procedures outlined in section IV below must be followed to facilitate the investment in the Short/Intermediate-Term Investments and the Endowment Investment Pool.