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E-20 Tuition and Student Fee Policy


To provide guidelines for setting tuition rates, mandatory fees, and program, course, and administrative fees.


KRS 164.020 authorizes the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education to determine tuition for Kentucky public colleges and universities. The Council has determined that their authority to set tuition also includes mandatory student fees and provides parameters to which the University uses in determining the rates. The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees recommends tuition and mandatory fees to the Council as requested. The Board has the authority to approve other student fees. See Administrative Regulation 8:7, Tuition and Student Fees for related information.

  1. Tuition and mandatory student fees - Upon consideration of the President’s recommendation, the UK Board of Trustees shall recommend tuition and student mandatory fees (i.e. fees charged to all UK students) to the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education as requested. The University’s annual operating budget shall reflect the Council’s approved tuition and student mandatory fees.
  2. Program, course, and administrative fees – These fees typically support costs associated with specific courses, programs, or activities with obvious benefit from payment of the fee accruing to the student.   
  3. During the annual operating budget cycle for the University, colleges and units may request to add, revise, or eliminate such student fees through the appropriate University area official (e.g., President, Provost, or Executive Vice President). All fee requests must be consistent with the parameters defined by the operating budget guidelines issued by the University Budget Office.
  4. All student fee requests should include the following:
  5. proposed title for the course, program, or administrative fee
  6. program, course number(s), or activity for which the fee will be assessed
  7. student population affected (i.e. full-time students only, part-time students per credit hour, full-time college majors only, etc.)
  8. amount to be charged 
  9. description and justification:
    1. why the fee is necessary beyond existing budgets available to the unit
    2. how fee revenue will be utilized for the benefit of the student
  10. detailed revenue and expense statement
  11. effective date
  12. If approved by the President, the proposed fees will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval as part of the Operating Budget for the next fiscal year. After Board of Trustees approval, the University Budget Office will send the fee schedule to Enterprise Applications and University Financial Services for implementation and posting on the University’s website. See the link in the tuition and fee schedule.
  13. Program, course, and administrative fees will remain in effect until adjusted or eliminated using the same process as described above.
  14. Fees submitted outside the University’s operating budget cycle will be considered during the following budget cycle. Unit business officers are expected to resubmit the request during the appropriate cycle.
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