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E-5-2 Travel Advances and Repayments

I. Purpose

To provide guidance to University faculty, staff and administrators for requesting a travel advance to defray the cost of travel and to establish terms, limits and conditions for repaying the advance.

II. Definition

Travel Advance – An advance of funds to pay for travel related expenses for which the procard cannot be used for payment.

III. Responsibilities
  1. Traveler
    1. Complete the following forms and obtain the required approvals at least 14 days prior to traveling
      1. Request for Concur Travel Advance
      2. Concur Travel Advance Budget Form
    2. Create Travel Request timely prior to traveling 
    3. Create Travel Expense Report timely upon return from traveling
    4. Repay any portion of the travel advance not covered by the Travel Expense Report timely within 60 calendar days from the last date of travel
  2. Supervisor and Business Officer
    1. Prior to travel occurring, approve Travel Request 
    2. After travel is compete, approve necessary and reasonable travel expenses and report funding in a timely manner  
  3. Accounts Payable Services
    1. Enable the cash advance option in Concur and notify the traveler via email
    2. Review and approve Concur Travel Requests that contain a travel advance
    3. Review and approve all Travel Expense Reports for adherence to policies and procedures
  4. Treasury Services
    1. Review and approve Concur Travel Advance Requests and forward to Accounts Payable Services
    2. Monitor approved Concur Travel Advances
    3. Collect delinquent repayments of Concur Travel Advances
IV. Policy

Generally, the University does not provide travel advances to employees traveling on behalf of the University. Travel-related expenses should be paid in advance using a University procurement card to help defray travel costs. However, it is understood that a travel advance might be appropriate due to special circumstances. So, upon acceptable justification and proper documentation, an advance could be approved.

V. Procedures
  1. A travel advance may be obtained by submitting a properly completed Request for Concur Travel Advance form to Treasury Services at
    1. The Request for Concur Travel Advance form must include a properly completed Concur Travel Advance Budget form and trip itinerary.
    2. Treasury Services will verify the requestor’s employment status and that the employee is not delinquent on any previous travel advances or imprest funds. Upon approval, Treasury Services will email the forms to Accounts Payable Services.
    3. Upon approval, Accounts Payable Services will enable the cash advance option in Concur and notify the traveler via email.  
    4. The traveler must then complete a Concur Travel Request and the request must be approved by the traveler’s supervisor and business officer a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to the beginning of the travel. 
    5. The cash advance will be issued as an ACH payment to the traveler’s main bank account as identified in SAP HR within 14 calendar days of the first date of travel. If the cash advance must be issued sooner than 14 days in advance of the travel dates, the traveler may attach a memorandum or justification to the Concur Travel Request. 
  2. Repayment of a travel advance – Deposit Preparation 
    1. Travel advances are due and payable to Treasury Services within 60 calendar days after the completion of the travel. 
    2. The cash advance must be added to the Concur Travel Expense Report and will be deducted from the reimbursement due to the traveler.
    3. If the traveler does not have enough reimbursable expenses to cover the cash advance amount, the traveler must repay the difference prior to submitting the Concur Travel Expense Report. Repayment shall be made by preparing a deposit of a personal check in accordance with BPM E-2-1 Treasury Operations Manual and completing an on-line check transmittal form using g/l account 139000 and fund 0021700800. A copy of the original Request for Concur Travel Advance must be attached.  
    4. The deposit is to be hand delivered to Treasury Services in room 356 Peterson Services Building, deposited in a UK Kiosk, picked up by established armored car service, or deposited at a branch of the University’s corporate banking partner. 
    5. The deposit must be recorded on the Concur Travel Expense Report by adding Expense Type Cash Advance Return and attaching a copy of the cash or check transmittal. 
    6. If the travel advance is not accounted for on a Concur Travel Expense Report or deposited in the g/l and fund listed above within 60 calendar days from the last date of travel, the traveler will be notified by email  by Treasury Services of a delinquent travel advance. A copy of the notification will be sent to the appropriate Dean, Department Head or Director.
    7. If repayment has not been made within 14 calendar days after notification, Payroll Services may be requested to withhold the traveler’s wages until the outstanding advance has been repaid.  
  3. Terminal Payroll Verification 

    If a travel advance is outstanding against a terminating employee, the appropriate Dean, Department Head, or Director may be notified by Treasury Services and asked to facilitate repayment prior to the release of the employee’s final wages.   

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