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E-7-11 Establishment of Student Recognition Awards and Prizes

I. Purpose

To provide policies and procedures for the establishment of student recognition awards and prizes. This policy does not include scholarships or grants. 

II. Responsibilities
  1. Procurement Cardholder
    1. Complies with the guidelines and restrictions of the Cardholder User Agreement and responsibilities as described in E-7-16 Procurement Cards.
    2. Must maintain edit documentation as described below in IV.C.1.
  2. Deans/Directors/Administrative Officers
    1. Responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy.
    2. Must ensure proper procedures are followed and appropriate forms/documentation are completed and maintained based on payment method selected.
  3. University Financial Services, Accounts Payable Services
    1. Reviews applications and approves issuance of procurement cards when appropriate.
    2. Processes payments on Payment Request Documents (PRD) and sends copies of Payment on Behalf of Student forms related to the PRDs processed to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.
  4. Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships
    1. Reviews all Payment on Behalf of Student forms to ensure proper handling of the payment as it relates to the determination of the impact on the student aid package and their overall cost of attendance.
    2. Responsible for adjusting students’ financial aid records as necessary based on the award or prize received.
  5. Office for Student Success
    1. Maintains a listing of approved awards
  6. President, Provost or Dean
    1. Approves awards as noted below in III.C.
III. Policy
  1. Awards in the form of gifts or cash may be made to University of Kentucky students for the purpose of recognizing and stimulating social, cultural and intellectual development. Cash awards regardless of the amount must be coordinated with the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. Awards and prizes for the prior academic year are not permissible and should not be given retroactively. 
  2. Award values are limited by funding source and the level of approval must be consistent with the award guidelines.
    1. Awards of $50 or less may be paid from unrestricted or restricted funds with the approval of the appropriate Dean.
    2. Awards greater than $50 must be part of a program that has been specifically approved by the President or Provost.
  3. Award Guidelines
    1.   Category I – Awards Funded by Unrestricted General Funds
      1. Total cost or value of an award may not exceed $50 unless pre-approved by the President or the Provost.
      2. Level of Approval: Dean
    2. Category II – Awards Funded by Unrestricted General Funds – Self-Supporting (i.e., vending income, bookstore income, other sources of auxiliary income)
      1. Awards are limited to a value of $50 unless they are part of a program that has been specifically approved by the President or the Provost. Total cost or value of the award may not exceed $500.
      2. Level of Approval: Dean
    3. Category III – Awards Funded by Restricted Gifts (The donor must specifically state that the gift may be used for student awards or that the gift may be used at the discretion of the College.)
      1. Awards are limited to a value of $50 unless they are part of a program that has been specifically approved by the President or the Provost. Total cost or value of the award may not exceed the limits set by the donor. In the absence of donor restrictions, the total cost or value may not exceed $1,000. 
      2. Level of Approval
        1.       Awards of $500 or less: Dean
        2.       Awards greater than $500: Provost
IV. Procedures
  1. Requests for approval of an award must be sent to the appropriate official as listed in the award guidelines and include the following information for each award:
    1. A description of the program
    2. The reason or purpose for the award
    3. The criteria for selecting the recipient
    4. The type of award (plaque, gift, cash, etc.)
    5. The dollar limit or value of the award
    6. The source of funds
    7. The academic term to which the award or prize is awarded.
  2. The approving official must furnish a report of the approved awards to University Financial Services, Accounts Payable Services. The Office for Student Success will maintain a file of approved awards that Accounts Payable Services will use for auditing purposes.
  3. Processing of Awards
    1. Procurement card
      1. Departments may purchase gifts by using a procurement card (see BPM E-7-16 Procurement Cards).
      2. The edit documentation for each transaction must contain the following information and must be approved at the appropriate level.
        1. If greater than $50, the name of the award and the award reference code must be listed. (Click here for a list of approved awards and related codes.)
        2. All transaction documents paying for gifts or mementos must have original invoices/receipts attached.
        3. All cash and cash equivalent transactions, including gift cards, must contain a supporting Payment on Behalf of Students (PBS) form attached to the Concur Expense Report.
    2. Payment Request Document (PRD)
      1. Departments may purchase gifts or pay cash to a student, for expense reimbursements or as an award, with a Request for Payment Document PRD (see BPM B-3-2-2 Payment Request Document).
      2. The PRD must be created using either the product category STUDENT MONETARY AWARDS (GL 530129) or AWARDS -STUDENT (GL 540309). The PRD must contain the following information with approvals from the appropriate level.
        1. If greater than $50, the name of the award and the award reference code must be listed. (Click here for a list of approved awards and related codes.)
        2. All transaction documents paying for gifts or mementos must have original invoices/receipts attached to the PRD and labeled documentation.
        3. All cash and cash equivalent transactions, including gift cards, must contain a supporting Payment on Behalf of Students (PBS) form attached to the PRD and labeled PBS, including those that are $50 or less.
  4. Accounts Payable Services will forward Payment on Behalf of Student (PBS) form(s) to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships after the PRD is processed.
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