To provide guidance to University faculty and staff to:
Reminder: A key fob issued by the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment’s (M-G CAFE) fueling facility should be used to obtain fuel for University owned or leased vehicles in Lexington, Princeton or Versailles (contact college for instructions). When use of the key fob is not practical in Lexington, Princeton or Versailles, a fleet fuel card may be used to purchase gas from local filling stations. Fleet cards are also used to purchase fuel for the assigned vehicle when not available from local Fleet Services Fueling Stations. Only in the event of an emergency, can a procurement card (procard) be used to fuel a University owned or leased vehicle. In this instance, a leased vehicle does not refer to a rental car (e.g., through Enterprise or Avis); rather, it refers to a vehicle secured through Procurement Services’ long-term leased vehicle program. If a procard is used, a Request for Exception to Business Procedures form must be submitted to University Financial Services (UFS) for approval, justifying why the procard was used, and the approved Request for Exception to Business Procedures form must accompany the procard expense through Concur Expense.
Unit/Department Fleet Card Account Manager
For an area with a large amount of fleet card use, an account manager may assign some responsibilities to individual departments; however, the account manager remains fully responsible for the area’s fleet cards. Any delegation of responsibility must be in writing and signed by both the account manager and the department supervisor.
Supervisor or Unit Delegate/Designee
Has both authority and responsibility to review and authorize necessary and reasonable fuel and roadside assistance expenses.
Business Officer
Has authority and responsibility for approving funding for University owned or leased vehicle fuel and roadside assistance. Expenses reside with the person responsible for the cost object to which the expenses will be charged. When approving funding, the necessity and reasonableness of the business travel expenses shall be considered.
BPM E-5-1 Reimbursement of Travel Expenses
UKIA Fraud Reporting webpage
UK Risk Management website