To ensure compliance with IRS Regulations for proper classification of a worker as an employee or independent contractor and provide guidance to University employees when selecting, hiring and compensating individuals for providing services to the University. If employees and independent contractors are not appropriately classified, employment taxes and corresponding federal reporting will be incorrect. Employers who misclassify workers as independent contractors can end up with substantial tax bills and face penalties imposed by the IRS for failing to pay employment taxes and failing to file required tax forms. Per the IRS, the general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work, not what will be done and how it will be done.
All workers retained by departmental administrators and hiring officials to provide services to the University must be properly classified as an employee or independent contractor in accordance with IRS guidelines for worker classification. In order to determine whether an individual should be classified as an employee or independent contractor, the relationship of the worker and the business must be examined – all information that provides evidence of the degree of control and the degree of independence must be considered. Facts relating to evidence of control and independence fall into three categories: