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F-1 Energy Management

I. Purpose

As the Commonwealth’s flagship institution of higher education, the University of Kentucky has a responsibility to optimize campus energy consumption. The University achieves optimization with an educated and engaged campus community and by actively monitoring and managing energy use. Energy optimization includes consideration of the value of occupant health, safety and comfort.

II. Responsibilities 

All members of the University community are responsible for minimizing energy consumption by adhering to the General Energy Regulations in Section III. The following subsets of the community have additional responsibilities:

  1. Energy Specialists
    Energy Specialists assist building occupants with energy management and provide regular performance reports. They also perform routine audits of all facilities and communicate the audit results to the building occupants. The audits contain suggested adjustments to the energy management systems, including temperature settings and run times for HVAC and other controlled equipment.
  2. Students
    Students living in residence halls are responsible for implementing the Residence Halls Energy Guidelines developed by Facilities Management. 
  3. Faculty and Staff
    Faculty and staff members are responsible for complying with the Faculty and Staff Energy Guidelines developed by Facilities Management.

III. Policy

General Energy Regulations

  1. Lighting
    Lights should be turned off when not needed and energy efficient lighting should be used whenever possible.
  2. Heating
    Windows and doors of conditioned spaces should be kept closed. Room temperatures should be maintained between 68-72°F when occupied during the heating season. Temperatures should be allowed to drop to 55°F during unoccupied periods if it is technically and economically feasible. Special areas, such as animal care units or research facilities that require constant or warmer temperatures, are exempt from these temperature limits. Areas that are too cold should be reported as soon as possible to Facilities Management at (859) 257-4894 (business hours) or (859) 257-2830 (evenings or weekends).
  3. Cooling
    Windows and doors of conditioned spaces should be kept closed.  Occupied spaces should be maintained between 74-78°F during the cooling season. Ceiling fans should be operated in all areas that have them. Space temperatures should be allowed to rise to 85°F during unoccupied periods. Special areas, such as animal care units or research facilities that require constant or warmer temperatures, are exempt from these temperature limits. Areas that are too hot should be reported as soon as possible to Facilities Management at (859) 257-4894 (business hours) or (859) 257-2830 (evenings or weekends).
  4. Office Equipment
    The power management of all office machines shall be in accordance with the Information Technology Services guidelines.
  5. Procurement
    Energy Star products must be purchased whenever available. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maintains a list of Energy Star products on their website.
IV. Procedures

Monitoring and Reporting
Facilities Management maintains records of energy consumption and cost and provides performance information to the administration routinely, but no less than once each fiscal year. This report is used to locate areas of opportunity and determine progress towards conservation goals. 

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