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Q-1-3 How to Obtain Communication Services

I. Requests for Telephone & Data Network Service
  1. The online IT Service Center is used to request new communications services, change or delete existing services and features, or to request specialized equipment and services. These services can be ordered online at: 
  2. Projects requiring major changes or renovations may require 30 to 120 days for the work to be completed. (For example: installation of conditioned data lines, off-campus service installations, conduit installations, multiple Ethernet connections, work that requires coordination with an outside vendor, or equipment installations requiring the order lead time).
II. Information Technology Services work orders on capitalized projects
  1. Plant fund WBS elements will be optional for work less than $100,000. Areas will be given the option to establish plant fund WBS elements if the work cannot be completed and billed prior to June 30 of the fiscal year in which Information Technology Services (ITS) work order is established.
  2. Areas will be allowed to use renewal & replacement cost centers to fund ITS projects.
  3. Most ITS work greater than $5,000 and less than $100,000 will be charged to departmental operating cost centers.
  4. ITS will charge G/L account 559060 or 559070 for all project work greater than $5,000 on University of Kentucky (UK) owned buildings.
  5. ITS will charge G/L account 639033 for projects less than $5,000.
  6. ITS will charge G/L account 639038 for all project work done on leased buildings (buildings not owned by UK).

Refer to Section E 12-1 of the Business Procedures Manual for further information on establishing Capital Project Cost Centers.

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