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B-3-1 Use of Existing Contracts

I. Purpose

The University’s Purchasing Division has established contracts for internal clients to utilize to obtain quality goods and services at the best value to the University. 

II.    Responsibilities

The University shall use University Price Contracts established by the Purchasing Division when making purchases for any good or service covered by these contracts. 

The University may use other contracts established by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, contracts established by the Purchasing Division based on current General Services Administration (GSA) contracts, and other Cooperative contracts that have been competitively bid and contain legal cooperative language. Consideration will be given to establishing a contract any time it is determined that a contract would provide enhanced services or prices for the requirements needed. 

If the requirement is not covered by an existing contract, University departments may use other methods of procurement to secure the supplies, equipment and services necessary to accomplish the mission of the University. These methods are listed in BPM section B-3-2, Delegated Procurement Policy for Departments. Departmental requirements not covered by existing contracts or that are included in a Delegated Procurement Authority (DPA) delegation must be submitted to the Purchasing Division via an on-line requisition/shopping cart. See BPM section B-3-3, Non-Delegated Purchases. 

University departments and administrators do not have authority to sign contracts that obligate the University for goods and services. Vendors requiring a document to be signed in response to any departmental delegated purchase must forward all associated documents to the Purchasing Division for review and appropriate disposition. The Purchasing Division will ensure any required document is in accordance with procurement statutes and University policy and will secure the appropriate University signatures. After signatures are obtained, the vendor agreement and associated documents will be returned to the requesting department for transmission to the vendor. Any questions regarding vendor contract terms should be addressed to authorized representatives of the Purchasing Division. 

III.   Procedure
  1. University of Kentucky Price Contracts 

    University of Kentucky Price Contracts are established when it is determined there is a continuing need for a certain type of product or service. These contracts are usually established after issuing a formal, advertised Invitation for Bid (IFB) or Request for Proposal (RFP). The contracts contain clauses allowing renewal for additional years. 

  2. State Price Contracts

    Contracts established by the Commonwealth of Kentucky may be used by all state agencies. These contracts may be used in the same manner as the University established contracts. 

  3. GSA Contracts

    The General Services Administration (GSA) has established contracts for a wide variety of products for the use of governmental agencies. The University may purchase from these contracts provided the contract holder agrees to sell the product to the University at the GSA contracted price and under the same terms and conditions. The Purchasing Division will establish a UK contract based on the GSA contract. The contract established may be used by University departments in the same manner as UK Price Contracts. 

  4. Cooperative Contracts

    Competitively bid cooperative contracts that are consistent with Commonwealth of Kentucky Statutes may be used upon written approval of the Purchasing Division and consistent with state statutes.

  5. Printing Services Guidelines

    The University of Kentucky is governed by Chapter 57 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, which requires all contracts for Class II printing to be approved by the Governor. Therefore, in compliance with these statutes, the contracted vendors established by the Purchasing Division shall provide all printing services for the University.

    Departments may not purchase printing services except through the approved contracted vendors. Payments for printing services must be made with the procurement card or an SRM on-line requisition/shopping cart. The PRD is not a valid document for the acquisition of printing. 


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