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B-3-2-1 Procurement Card Authorization and Limits

I. Purpose

The University of Kentucky Procurement Card Program increases the efficiency of the purchase and payment of delegated procurement transactions as defined in B-3-2 Delegated Procurement Policy for Departments

The program has the ability to place the controls listed below on each card enabling it to be tailored specifically for individual departmental requirements: 
Spending Limit Per Transaction
Spending Limit Per Month
Merchant Category Code
Departmental Account Number 

II. Policy

The University of Kentucky Procurement Card is issued to an individual cardholder (regular employee). 

University employees responsible for making purchases for their department may apply for a procurement card when authorized by their supervisor and business officer or Dean. 

III. Procedures

The University of Kentucky Procurement Card Application must be completed and signed by the cardholder, the cardholder's supervisor, and the appropriate dean or business officer. The application and details for processing are available on the Accounts Payable Services website. Also, procurement card training is available through the Finance and Administration Specialized Training (FAST) program

  1. Procurement Card Dollar Limits and Other Restrictions
    A limit of $5,000 per transaction has been established. Procurement Services may consider authorization for a higher transaction limit when requested by a cardholder and approved by the appropriate business officer. In addition, Procurement Services may conduct a review of cardholder purchases prior to approving any increase in the cardholder’s transaction limit. All commodities and services may be purchased on the procurement card except as restricted herein. The following policies must be followed when making delegated purchases: 
    1. The procurement card may only be used to purchase goods and services in accordance with University policies, regulations and procedures as stated within the Business Procedures Manual, the Procurement Card Manual and the Purchasing/AP Quick Reference Guide.
    2. Orders must not be split or otherwise manipulated to circumvent the procurement card’s single transaction limit.
    3. The procurement card must not be used to make any personal charges. 
    4. Travel expenses must be in compliance with BPM E-5-1 Reimbursement of Travel Expenses.
    5. A cardholder’s failure to comply with the policies, regulations and guidelines set forth herein may result in disciplinary action including termination of employment from the University.
    6. Technology related equipment and supplies may be purchased through the University SRM system. Select vendors have a punch-out catalog through SRM and it should be used for those specific vendors.
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