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B-3-2-2 Payment Request Document (PRD)

I. Purpose

The Payment Request Document (PRD) must be used for the categories identified below when approved sources will not accept the University of Kentucky procurement card or when the transaction is not authorized on the procurement card. 

II. Policy

Procurement Services must review and sign all contracts or agreements required by the vendor/contractor as a supplementary document to the PRD. Departmental employees or officials may NOT sign such supplementary agreements or contracts on behalf of the University except as expressly authorized in accordance with  AR 8:3 Contract and Transaction Approval Authority. Transactions requiring the signing of contracts or agreements by University employees must be forwarded to Procurement Services for their review and official University signatures prior to processing the PRD to the contractor.

Transactions and requirements that cannot be completed under the limits and categories of the procurement card or the PRD shall be processed via an on-line requisition in SAP/SRM. 

Information regarding allowable methods of payment (e.g., procurement card or PRD) can be found in the Purchasing/Accounts Payable Quick Reference Guide. Any transaction covered in BPM E-7-10 Discretionary Expenditures, regardless of funding type, must be paid using the PRD or procurement card, unless otherwise noted within the Purchasing/Accounts Payable Quick Reference Guide. Consult BPM E-7-10 to determine if non-discretionary funds may be used. 

The responsible person for each budgeted expenditure account shall approve transaction documents. Signatory and approval authority may be delegated, but all delegations should be in writing or within the Concur or SAP system. 

Original invoices and supporting documentation should be scanned as a single file, labeled as documentation and attached to the PRD document. Department personnel must ensure scanned images are completely readable. Documents shall be unfolded and all staples, clips, and other fasteners removed prior to scanning. Additional information on document preparation and scanning resolution may be found in Policy Memorandum on the Storage of Public Records as Scanned Images.

       Departments must maintain the original invoice and supporting documentation until the PRD has been posted in SAP as verified through the unit’s monthly reconciliation and review of financial transactions.

The scanned attachment stored in the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system will serve as the record copy as defined in the State University Records Retention Schedule, record series U0239 or U1800 for charges posted to grants. Since departments can access the record copy through ECM, departments shall destroy originals within 60 days of the verification of the invoice posting in accordance with BPM E-17-6 Reconciliation and Review of Financial Transactions

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