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E-7-10 Discretionary Expenditures

I. Purpose

As the flagship institution of higher education for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the University of Kentucky is held to a high level of accountability for its business practices. Every reasonable effort must be made to ensure that funds are used in a responsible and appropriate manner. Certain types of expenditures require caution; these expenses have been categorized and entitled discretionary expenditures. This Discretionary Expenditure Policy ensures that expenditures in these categories only occur when necessary and appropriate. 

II. Source of Funds

The source of funds to support discretionary expenditures is generally private donations. 

Additionally, there are certain self-supporting activities within the University that charge registration or other fees to specifically support discretionary (entertainment) type expenditures. For these activities, the segmented portion of the registration or other fee income related to these special activities may be moved to a self-supporting discretionary cost object, provided approval for moving the funds is obtained from the Provost or appropriate Executive Vice President, or their designee. The Dean/Director responsible for oversight of the self-supporting activity would prepare a letter to the Provost or appropriate Executive Vice President requesting the fund transfer and attach supporting documentation to explain how the amount requested was determined. Additionally, a journal entry to move the funds or a budget transfer form would need to accompany the letter.

III. Responsibilities 
  1. Units – responsible for ensuring discretionary funds are available before placing an order with a vendor, reviewing funding source.
  2. Business Officers – responsible for ensuring proper funding of discretionary expenditures when a payment request document (PRD), purchase order (PO) or procurement card is used and responsible for ensuring unit faculty and staff are trained and understand their fiscal responsibilities.  
  3. Deans/Directors – responsible for oversight of self-supporting activities and requesting fund transfers.
  4. University Financial Services – responsible for oversight of the discretionary expenditure policy.
  5. Accounts Payable Services – responsible for final review of discretionary expenditures when payment is made by a PRD to ensure proper funding with random audits conducted on Concur expense reports after the SAP posting. 
IV. Procedures

Categories covered by this policy must be paid using the Payment Request Document (PRD), purchase order (PO) or the procurement card. See the Purchasing/AP Quick Reference Guide for the allowable payment types for each category. Additional resources include the following BPMs: B-3-2-2 Payment Request Document (PRD),    B-3-3-4 SAP Purchase Requisitions Healthcare and Facilities Areas, B-3-3-5 SRM Shopping Carts – Campus Area, and E-7-16 Procurement Cards

 V. Policy

The University is allowed to reimburse or pay for expenses that are necessary and reasonable. A necessary expense is one where there exists a clear business purpose.

 When expenditures include the purchase of food, the supporting documentation must include an itemized receipt which includes the time, place, and date of the purchase; a description of the business purpose; and a list of attendees, regardless of the funding used. 

To establish a clear business purpose the expenditure must contain all information necessary to substantiate the expenditure. Categories of expenses covered by this policy are as follows:

Discretionary Expenses chart

Discretionary Expenses Chart

Discretionary Expenses chart

Discretionary Expenses chart

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