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D-1-2 Persons Authorized to Use Vehicles

I. Purpose

To set forth requirements for persons driving University-owned, personal or rental vehicles when acting as an agent of the University or its affiliated corporations listed in BPM E-1-0 Relationship with the Commonwealth.

II. Definitions
III. Responsibilities
  1. Business Officer/Department Administrator 
    1. Approves expenditure of departmental funds and
    2. Ensures accuracy of driving responsibilities in the Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) of drivers. 
  2. Risk Management
    1. Notifies departments when a driver’s privileges are impacted. 
IV. Policy
  1. A person employed by the University may be permitted to drive a University-owned, personal or rental vehicle when traveling on University business when the following guidelines have been met: 
    1. The department administrator or chair grants approval.
    2. The driver 
      1. possesses a valid operator’s license
      2. submits an MVR Release Form to Risk Management
      3. has a minimum of five (5) years driving experience
      4. has no health problems which limit or restrict driver licensing and
      5. has been involved in no more than two (2) at-fault accidents in the past three (3) years.
    3. MVR’s that have six (6) or more deficiency points, as determined by the State Motor Vehicle Records, will result in the review of driving privileges.
  2. Insurance
    1. When conditions listed in section III. A. are followed a driver is acting as an agent of the University and will be covered by the University’s Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy. 
    2. See University of Kentucky BPM D-1-1: Motor Vehicle Insurance for further information concerning policies and procedures for insurance coverage and claims.
  3. Text messaging 
    1. University employees shall not engage in text messaging when driving any motor vehicle on behalf of the University.  
    2. Operators of emergency or public safety vehicles may be exempt from this requirement when the use of a personal communication device is an essential function of the operator's official duties.  
  4. Cell phones
    The University strongly recommends that employees follow the text messaging guidelines when using a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle on behalf of the University. 
  5. University of Kentucky-owned vehicles 
    1. May not be used for personal business, including commuting to and from work (i.e., to and from the employee’s residence to their workstation, to restaurants, clubs, social engagements or other personal activities) except for law enforcement vehicles provided to selected University Police personnel to carry out their duties which may include using the vehicle to commute to and from their residence and workstation. 
    2. An individual making personal use of a University vehicle is acting outside the scope of an agent of the University and is personally liable for any damage to the vehicle as well as for any liability they may incur to others. 
    3. Heads of departments are responsible for ascertaining that vehicles are used for official purposes and that the use of such vehicle is not abused.
    4. An authorized driver may not delegate responsibility to any other person unless that person is also an authorized driver of a University vehicle.
    5. A person not employed by the University may be permitted to drive a University vehicle when necessary, but only with the express permission of the department head or administrator and upon meeting the guidelines set forth in section III. A. 
    6. Passengers in a University vehicle are limited to employees of the University, others on University business, official guests of the University and individuals to whom the University wishes to extend a courtesy. 
    7. Family members who are not employees of the University may not ride in University vehicles. Picking up hitchhikers and casual riders is not permitted.
  6. The number of passengers transported in any vehicle must comply with and not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications and the guidelines established by the National Safety Council.
  7. All University business travel must be conducted in accordance with BPM E-5-1 Reimbursement of Travel Expenses.
  8. Drivers of 12 or 15 passenger vans must also complete the Passenger Van Training program offered by UK Environmental Health and Safety before driving these types of vehicles. 
  9. Drivers of commercial motor vehicles must possess a valid Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and comply with all federal requirements mentioned in, but not limited to Human Resources Policy and Procedure 21: Omnibus Transportation Act Employee Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing

     Students are not permitted to drive any type of University-owned vehicle.

  10. Any exception to the above must have prior approval by the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration in writing.
Revision Date

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