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D-1-3 D-1-3: Golf Carts and Utility Vehicles

I. Purpose

To govern the use and operation of University owned or leased electric or gas-powered carts and similar low speed utility type vehicles when being used for official University business and to provide guidance for safe operation.

II. Definitions 
  • University Community: all faculty, staff, students and other users authorized by the department head, administrator or their designee, including those acting as an agent of the University or its affiliated corporations listed in Business Procedure E-1-0.
  • Cart: all electric or gas-powered utility carts including, but not limited to, golf carts and side by side utility carts (e.g. Gator).
  • Operator: any person authorized to operate a cart.
  • University business: activities performed by a University employee, registered volunteer, or student employee acting as an agent of the University or its affiliated corporations to accomplish University objectives as required by the duties of his or her position or office.
III. Policy
  1. All members of the University community are governed by this policy and must meet the following criteria before operating a cart:
    1. Possess a valid driver's license;
    2. Successfully complete a University Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Release and Information Form; and
    3. Successfully complete the University’s Utility and Golf Cart Safety training program.
  2. Only use University carts during the performance of official University business.
  3. Personally owned carts are prohibited from operating on University property. However, special consideration will be given to disabled individuals with the recommendation of the Disability Resources Center.
  4. All University contractors or vendors functioning on University property must obtain written authorization from the University Office of Risk Management before operating their carts on University property.
  5. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure each employee driving a cart completes training offered through Environmental Health & Safety.
  6. Exceptions to the policy must have prior approval of Risk Management. Please see the form Cart Policy Exception Request on the University’s eForms page
IV. Cart Operation

Always operate carts in a safe and courteous manner. In addition to adhering to manufacturer’s recommendations, the following rules apply to the operation of carts

Operators must observe all vehicle traffic laws (e.g., stop signs).

  1. Carts are prohibited from operating on major roadways or University roadways with speed limits in excess of 25 mph except when crossing from one side of the street to another and where no adequate sidewalk exists.
  2. Carts must operate on sidewalks, University bicycle lanes and paths.
  3. Operators must use crosswalks, if available, to cross streets.
  4. When utilizing bicycle lanes and paths, carts must only travel in the designated direction.
  5. Carts must travel at speeds that are consistent with the intended use of the path. Speeds on walkways and in congested areas must be no faster than the pedestrian traffic.
  6. Carts must operate on hard surfaces unless a job function requires driving in the grass.
  7. Do not drive carts on pedways, walkways into buildings, elevators, or other locations designed for pedestrian use only.
  8. Carts must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. 
  9. Carts must not carry more passengers than seating provided. Do not use tilt beds and flat beds for passenger transport.
  10. All individuals must remain seated when a cart is in motion. Keep hands, legs, feet and arms inside the cart.
  11. Approach sharp and blind turning or corners with caution. Stop and look in all directions.
  12. Carts must not carry more than the rated payload capacity specified by the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  13. Modifications to the cart which could impact stability or safety should be approved in advance by Environmental Health & Safety.
  14. Operators must not park carts on unimproved surfaces when the ground is saturated.
  15. Carts must not be parked in a manner that impedes or interferes with normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow on roadways or walkways.
  16. Operators must park carts away from heavily traveled pedestrian areas, preferably in designated service or cart parking areas.
  17. Carts must not be parked in a manner that blocks an entrance or exit to any building.
  18. Do not use headphones or earbuds while operating a cart.
  19. Cell phone use is prohibited while operating a cart.
  20. When not in operation, operators must apply the parking brake and remove the key.
V. Accident Reporting
  1. Promptly report a cart accident to the University Police or local authorities if it involves a third party or property damage.
  2. Complete the University Motor Vehicle Accident Report form as close to the time within 48 hours of accident ensuring all information and complete details are conveyed in writing on the report form.
  3. Report employee injuries to UK Workers Care by calling (800)440-6285.
  4. If a cart accident results in an injury to a student or visitor, report it using the University’s Accident-Occupational Injury/Illness Report
VI. Enforcement
  1. Departments are delegated the responsibility for monitoring the safe and prudent use of their carts.
  2. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in citation, corrective action, and suspension or revocation of the operator's cart driving privileges. Corrective action may be used to address violations of this policy as outlined in the University Human Resources Policies and Procedures and the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, the operator will be financially obligated for any citation issued by law enforcement officials.
VII. Registration

Register all University carts with Accounting and Financial Reporting Services (AFRS) per UK  Business Procedure E-12-1 Capitalization Policy. Additional information can be found on the AFRS home page.

VIII. Training
  1. To ensure employees understand this policy, those authorized to drive carts must receive training prior to cart usage. Occupational Environmental Health and Safety or its designee offers cart training. Copies of training records are available from the EHS training database.
  2. Each department must maintain a record of all individual training, including:
    1. Subject of training
    2. Date of training
    3. Name of individual trained and
    4. Name of supervisor or Occupational Environmental Health and Safety person and/or designee providing the training.
IX. Additional Information

Direct questions regarding the policy or compliance to one of the following:

Risk Management

306 Peterson Service Building

Lexington, KY 40506-0005

Telephone: (859) 257-3708

Fax: (859) 257-1050

Environmental Health and Safety

252 East Maxwell Street

Lexington, KY 40506-0314

Telephone: (859) 257-3862

Fax: (859) 257-8787

University Fire Marshal

252 East Maxwell Street

Lexington, KY 40506-0314

Telephone: (859) 257-8790

Fax: (859) 257-8787

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