To provide guidance to faculty and staff by describing the University’s method and associated responsibilities for reviewing payroll expenses directly charged and/or cost shared on sponsored projects and confirming the reasonableness of those payroll expenses in relation to work performed by each individual during the reporting period.
Consistent with BPM E-1-3, “Fiscal Roles and Responsibilities” :
The Office of Management and Budget 2 CFR Part 200Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), specifically, section 200.430, outlines required standards for documentation of personnel expenses. To comply with this requirement, the University chose to transition to project payroll confirmation effective fiscal year 2017.
During the confirmation period, all federally funded project statements, which have been placed in pre reviewed status by the PDC, will route to a work list for the PI (Self–certifier) for each sponsored project account number in SAP. A system generated email will be sent to the PI and the PDC alerting them to the release of these statements and the final date for completion of the confirmation process. Regularly scheduled reminders will be sent until all statements have been reviewed and confirmed.