To provide guidelines for payments to or on the behalf of students in accordance with federal and state regulations and University policies.
If travel arrangements include air travel, airline ticket(s) may be purchased in advance on behalf of the student through UK Travel using the procurement card. See Travel Services for additional information and instructions. A University designated travel vendor must be utilized to purchase airfare for a student on a procurement card and must not include personal time.
Meal subsistence may be reimbursed using per diem rates established by the U.S. Treasury for domestic travel and the U.S. Department of State for foreign travel or actual expense based on the discretion of the department authorizing the reimbursement. The method used must be applied to the entire trip and not to select days of the trip except when a student attends a function such as a luncheon or dinner meeting and the department authorizing the travel determines the student’s attendance is required. The student must submit the itemized receipt for the meal.
Deans/Directors/Administrative Officers
Ensure compliance with this BPM and E-7-11 Establishment of Student Recognition Awards and Prizes for all payments made on behalf of students.
Payments for compensation for Fellowships as described in II.2. above
These payments must be made through the SAP HR payroll system following the same procedures used for nonstudent employees. OSFAS must be notified of the Fellowship prior to the first disbursement. To notify OSFAS, the department must send a PBS form to OSFAS and select “other” on item 3 at the bottom of page 1 and indicate the payment is a fellowship paid through Payroll in the box provided.